This article was first published in eMessenger in October 2017.

We are in the final planning stages for our first Methodist Alliance Forum to be held in Christchurch. As you can see from the programme below, it is shaping up to be a great two days. There is still some capacity if you would like to join us. We would love to see you there, so please complete the registration form below and email it to me at
The Forum provides an opportunity to:
celebrate the work that is being done by individual members and collective projects
network, learn from each other and explore possible new joint initiatives together
evaluate key and emerging work and organisational issues
reflect theologically on the work of the Methodist Alliance members and the issues being addressed by them
review the Aotearoa New Zealand context, including changes in Government policy
recommend to the Conference any changes to the founding documents of the Methodist Alliance
approve the overall strategic direction of the Methodist Alliance
Methodist Alliance Forum 2017 Programme
Friday 3rd November 2017
9.30am Powhiri at Rehua Marae
11.00am The Methodist Alliance Aotearoa on the bi-cultural journey – what does a treaty informed alliance look like? How can the relationship between Te Taha Maori & the Methodist social services be strengthened?
12.30pm Lunch at Rehua Marae
1.30pm Travel from Rehua Marae to optional visits:
Community-led development programmes
ECE/aged care
Social Housing
3.30pm Afternoon tea at Connexional Office
4.00pm Chapel Street Centre - H&S briefing, housekeeping, etc
4.10pm Where have we come from? The Methodist Alliance journey to date
5.00pm Celebrating our diversity (5 x 5 minute 5 slide power point presentations)
6.00pm Drinks & nibbles
6.30pm Dinner at Chapel Street Centre
7.00pm Key note speaker - Paul Dalziel, a wellbeing economist
8.30pm Close
Saturday 4th November 2017
9.00am Arrive at Chapel Street Centre – tea/coffee available
9.30am Morning prayer and theological reflection – what it means to be an alliance?
10.00am Presentations by members of their emerging work and organisational issues
11.30am Workshops – korero may include exploration of joint initiatives and collaborations.
Maori staff and Te Taha Maori
Housing strategies including youth, social, emergency, long term
New approaches to working with children and families
Board chairpersons
Fundraisers and communications staff
Building strong neighbourhoods
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Planning the future direction of the Methodist Alliance including feedback from the morning workshops
3.00pm Business
4.00pm Closing karakia
If your parish is not yet a member of the Methodist Alliance, you may want to come along and learn and see what it is all about. If so, just complete the registration form for non-members and return it to me by email.
Our Cultural Synods
One of the Methodist Church’s strengths is our cultural synods. This enables us to provide social services to distinct cultural groups in their language and within a cultural framework that best fits the people of that culture.

Vahefonua provides social services to Tongans through their charitable trust, Siaola. Siaola provides the Famili Lelei – a programme based on Tongan Methodist Christian values and principles that addresses family violence and child abuse. They also offer education and training expos which provide information on education and training institutions as well as health and social service providers. Education providers from early childhood education centres to universities including employment and trade training were represented and provided advice on career pathways and subject choice. Suicide prevention programmes are also delivered by Siaola.

And Puna’oa ole Soifua Manuia. Puna’oa ole Soifua Manuia - Sinoti Samoa Methodist Mission commenced in 2014 with the vision to create a foundation for a sustainable, creative and safe family environment in the knowledge and love of God through the theology and practise of our Methodist forbears; to serve each other and our surroundings; to be agents of positive change. Puna’oa ole Soifua Manuia has implemented a strategy whereby areas such as education, health and social housing will be annually focused on through a delivery of workshops and development of resources. Puna’oa ole Soifua Manuia is also working with families and parishes by offering workshops through their Social Issues committee. These workshops are focussed on family violence and suicide prevention, anti-smacking legislation, brain development, the youth justice sector and mental health. Alongside these workshops, Puna’oa ole Soifua Manuia continue to encourage and educate parishes and families to be responsive and ready for any event, including natural disasters with survival kits, CPR education and community sustainable gardens to promote healthy eating.
Carol Barron, Methodist Alliance National Coordinator,