This article was first published in Touchstone in September 2019.
The Methodist Alliance is planning their Forum which will be held in Wellington on 8th & 9th November 2019.
“The theme Radical Methodism – Radical Change reflects a theological significance that is pertinent to both our Christian tradition and our Methodist tradition. Both Jesus and John Wesley were regarded in their time and society as radicals because of what they were standing for.”
Siosifa Pole, Director of Pasifika Ministries, Mission Resourcing
Jesus preached a gospel of revolution. His radical teachings challenged authority, accepted valued, and injustice. John Wesley preached outdoors to large groups of working class men and women and he was labelled a dangerous radical and denounced in print and from pulpits.
The Methodist Alliance is looking at creative and radical possibilities of working in different and innovative ways. This includes the proposed establishment of a social housing fund which was discussed at the recent Synod meetings around the country. It also includes the Mana Whānau programme and intensive in home parenting support service which is an alternative to foster care.
Wesley Community Action have established Mama Celia’s Table which is a safe space for wahine to speak openly about what’s going on for them in their lives, the things that happen behind closed doors - the stuff no one really wants to talk about. Mama Celia’s Table provides a place to listen, think and hear from others, as well as providing opportunities of learning, education and/or being creative. Wahine who have had their tamariki uplifted by Oranga Tamariki have a place where they can speak openly and honestly, without judgment, about their experience of this and they are provided with the acceptance and understanding from others going through the same experiences. Many of the wahine are also fighting addiction to methamphetamine. They have the pressure of trying to turn their lives around with the added stress of the grief and loss of their children being uplifted. This programme will be one of the inspiring stories of radical change experienced by everyday people that will be featured at the Methodist Alliance Forum.
The Methodist Alliance Forum is held every second year and provides an opportunity to celebrate the work that is being done by individual members and collectively as the Methodist Alliance. It also provides an opportunity to network, learn from each other and explore possible new joint initiatives together. The Forum always provides space to reflect theologically on the work of Methodist Alliance members and the issues being addressed by them.
As the Communities of Practice have been established in the past year, there will be time for these groups to share what they have achieved to date, what they hope to achieve in the future and to share an issue that they are dealing with. The Forum will have Community of Practice workshops for participants to explore key issues, suggest areas of collaborative work, and explore Te Tiriti o Waitangi related issues and opportunities.
There will be time to further explore the Methodist Bicultural – Te Tiriti o Waitangi Commitment and to translate this commitment into radical and practical action. The Forum will ask challenging questions including, “What is a radical Methodist approach in Aotearoa today?” The Forum will have workshops, panel discussion, world café conversations, a strategy session, presentations, a key note speaker, time for reflection and time for networking.

More information and registration forms will be available soon. Save the date now and look forward to receiving updates and more information soon.
Carol Barron, Methodist Alliance National Coordinator,