Where Caterpillars learn to crawl, where Chrysalis build their wings and where Butterflies learn to fly.

Devonport Parish is the newest Methodist Alliance member. This Parish established a Childcare Centre in 1991 which provides quality education and care for tamariki and whānau. The Centre loves celebrating the ongoing relationships with their whānau and seeing their “DMCC” children out and about in the community.
The Devonport Methodist Childcare Centre encourages children to be competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society. Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack are supplied and cooked on site.
The philosophy of the centre is captured in the following three W’s:
Whakauru – Participation. The centre’s “home away from home’ is for all tamariki, whānau and community.
Whakahoa – Partnership. Building relationships, working together in open, welcoming ways for all tamariki.
Whakahaumaru – Protection. Kaiako build learning experiences and routines that are the right fit for all tamariki.
The centre has rooms dedicated and designed for the needs of different age groups. The Caterpillar room is dedicated to the under two age group where tamariki can play and explore with a separate sleep room and outdoor play space from the older children.
The Chrysalis room is for two to three year olds with a dedicated indoor play space and they share the outdoor play area with the Butterflies – tamariki who are three to five years old. The Butterfly room provides a large inside space for the older children which gives plenty of room for a wide range of different interests. The different rooms have programmes designed to meet the needs of the children.
The centre is open from 7.30am – 6pm, Mondays to Fridays and has a licence for 60 children and often has a waiting list. They have a stable staff and the Board consists of Parish members and community members. The Board Chairperson is Rev Peter Norman, Parish Superintendent, and member of the Methodist Alliance Steering Group.
During term time the Centre offers extracurricular experiences including Mainly Music which is offered by the Devonport Methodist Church, and visits to St Leo’s Primary School, where the older children get to experience what school is like.
Robert F. Kennedy said in his speech in 1968 at the University of Kansas,
“The gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play... It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”[1]
Kennedy also spoke about poverty, unemployment, suicide, the lack of hope and how we need to change and do better. Kennedy could have been talking about Aotearoa, as the issues he identified in America are similar here.
At Devonport Methodist Childcare Centre, they provide quality early childhood education, and provide an environment where tamariki can enjoy play while they experience the world around them. They instill a sense of belonging and community that we all need.
It is over fifty years since Kennedy’s speech and first world countries like America and Aotearoa New Zealand have not solved issues of poverty, suicide, equity and justice in our countries. We can and should do better. We need to keep advocating for change, to make a reality the vision of a just and inclusive society in which all people flourish.
Carol Barron, National Coordinator
03 375 0512 | 027 561 9164 | Carol@MethodistAlliance.org.nz