Congratulations to Palmerston North Methodist Social Services!
Palmerston North Methodist Social Services is the first Methodist Mission to have a social supermarket. The Koha Kai Whare, opened on 15th August 2023, and is a partnership with Foodstuffs. A social supermarket is a more mana-enhancing alternative to the traditional foodbank. The social supermarket, Koha Kai Whare, opened on 15th August 2023, and is a partnership with Foodstuffs. People experiencing food insecurity are able to choose what they need themselves in a supermarket-style environment rather than being given a food parcel that may contain things they do not know how to cook, and may not meet their dietary and cultural needs. The social supermarket also provides wrap around social support services to meet the needs of the whānau.

Source: Carol Barron
Rik Te Tau, General Manager at Palmerston North Methodist Social Services, says, “It’s personally important to me that young people see their parents shop, that they actually don’t see their parents go in and beg for something. It’s our right to have food. The social supermarket does not replace the traditional supermarket; as people can’t walk in and do their weekly shop for free. It provides occasional food access relief for those who needed it and it means whānau can potentially put money aside for something else. It just takes away that financial burden slightly.”
I visited the week before the social supermarket opened and at that time the whole team were pitching in with getting the supermarket everything ready to open. The Counselling Team Leader was painting, the Op Shop Manager, along with other staff were stacking shelves.

Source: Carol Barron
The old storeroom at Palmerston North Social Services now looks like a regular supermarket with fully stocked shelves, the only exception is that instead of prices on the shelves, there are points.

Source: Carol Barron
Whānau are assessed and allocated points – a large family could be allocated 75 points and they can then choose to spend them however they would like.

The points closely align to retail prices, so people are making the same decisions are they would at any other supermarket. Giving people the opportunity to make their own decisions and choose what they want to buy, gives them their dignity and empowers them to make their own decisions. There is also a financial expectation that users will contribute to the cost of the groceries which helps fund further food purchases for the social supermarket.
Rik advised that after nearly a month operating, the social supermarket, Koha Kai Whare, has had over 500 people coming through the doors and said, that the real need in the community is being met with this new service.
If you would like more information about how you can support the Palmerston North Methodist Social Services, you can go to or contact me.
Carol Barron, National Coordinator
03 375 0512 | 027 561 9164 |